It's not JUST granola!

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We've got an amazing tribe of fellow addicts!

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Let me know where and when you would like me to post, social media, buy ad spots, erect billboards, skywriting, signs on cardboard held alongside busy intersections — whatever I can do!   

Jim VanderMey

It truly IS extraordinary granola.  It almost needs a totally different name since it is like no other "granola" I have ever tasted... BTW, addiction to your granola is the best possible addiction!

Frank Rogers-Witte

Just opened and sampled the Cinnamon Pecan. It's truly like tasting something for the first time and being blown away! I walk down the cereal aisle at Publix now and I'm like, "Ahhh, helll no! Y'all can keep your Bear Naked stuff all day long!"

Greg Hambleton

We know, it's "just granola..." But it really isn't! Try some today - join our growing group of addicts!